Sorry for the clever title but bear with me. It'll make sense :-)

Guys just emerging from their blue pill days, or guys wanting to move forward from there, have plenty of advice about what type of person not to be. Don't put women on pedestals. Don't appear needy. Move on and don't call them. Etc. Etc.

TRP does a good job in advising guys on what type of man to become. But I want to round that out by talking about so-called assholes. If you ask a frustrated nice guy, one who hasn't yet swallowed the red pill, what type of guy his female crush wants, he'll probably reply: assholes. Outlaw biker dudes. Convicts. Sociopaths. But this isn't true. In adolescence, people are segregated into social groups, and a typical nice guy, probably has no guy friends who are actually successful with women. So why is he so sure that it's always assholes who get the girl? Because he's relying on girls to describe to him the guy they're dating.

Women are nothing if not unreliable narrators. And relying on them to describe how their boyfriend behaves is a recipe for disaster. Of course they're going to paint their boyfriends as abusive assholes. And if you accept their descriptions uncritically, then it's no surprise that you're going to conclude that this woman is indeed attracted to assholes, and that therefore, to get this woman, you must become an asshole. Doing so would be a mistake, or at least, will lead you to far less success than truly understanding what desirable guys are like, and why women find them desirable.

  1. Here's a little background on why you should at least hear me out. Without risking doxxing myself, in grade school and high school, I was a nerdy blue pilled dude, complete with glasses and a oneitis crush that lasted for years. But I was also a little different. My friends and I were a bit of social chameleons. Nerds might have been our soul mates, but we also hung out with everyone from theater nerds, druggies, gung ho student government types, popular kids, etc. including women in those groups. Guys within my group of friends dated popular and not-so-popular girls. I also played sports. I was never the star, pretty much always on the bench, but that meant I got to at least know the popular jocks.

All this is to say that, in high school, despite being a nerd, I had first-hand perspective about the guys that women were dating and complaining about being assholes. And the first thing I noticed was, they weren't assholes. At least not in the way that we guys understand that definition.

Those muscle-bound jocks that every girl dates but cries about to their blue pill orbiters? He's actually usually a pretty cool, laid-back guy who's fun to hang out with. Ironically, the true bullies and assholes tended to be the guys one step below the popular guys, who needed to put down and terrorize the people below him in order to make himself look good. The top guys' position in the pecking order was much more secure, so he had no need to put other people down; he could hang out with a nerd all he wanted and no one would question his social standing.

So what made them an asshole in women's eyes? What I realized was that when women say their boyfriend is an asshole, it basically boils down to "my boyfriend puts his own priorities ahead of mine." The boyfriend might not want to spend hours of his time listening to her inane gossip. Or he might have his own plans for the weekend. Or when they're deciding on activities, he'll want to spend at least some of the time doing stuff he likes. Here's a test you can run: when a woman runs to you and starts sobbing about her boyfriend (that she never breaks up with) that he's such an asshole (for the millionth time). Don't just let her go on sobbing. Ask her specific questions. From the most extreme to the least: "Did he beat you?" "Did he threaten you in any way?" "Did he abuse you? And if you say emotional abuse, please tell me what he actually did." "Did he insult you?" As you work your way through the list as you try to divine what specific action he did that set this girl off, 9/10 times, you'll find it's a variation of the above. In some way, he put his own interests above hers. He blew her off when she wanted him to be with her for an event (as if he can't have his own schedule). He disagreed with her choice on something (dinner, an activity, whatever) and they ended up doing what he wanted to do (and no, it's not coercion if you decide to go to dinner at a restaurant of his choosing). He told her something ages ago, still abides by it, and isn't willing to change it just because she's now asking him to.

Just about the only almost-asshole'ish behavior you'll see is that he "cheated" on her. And I put cheating in quotes, because, unless they're married, you have no idea whether he ever committed to her in the first place. Sure, there are plenty of cases where a guy has lied and said he's committed while secretly having a side piece. But in this day and age, with hookup culture so dominant, the need to lie about seeing other people is much diminished. For that reason, it's much more common that a guy stated at the very outset of the relationship that it's not exclusive, and after a few months, the woman asks to be exclusive and the guy refuses, or worse, the woman just assumes that now they're exclusive without actually ever notifying the guy that this is now her new expectation. And then she comes running to you with tears in her eyes about how she just found out her boyfriend is "cheating" on her. In all these ways, do not rely on the girl's assessment of her guy's actions. Try to find out about the action itself. Most times, you'll see that the action is not what most guys would call being an asshole.

Before I proceed, let me state that I'm not saying assholes don't exist. But the group of women who genuinely, truly love real assholes is relatively small (although it may be bigger than the number of men who are truly sociopathic assholes, which is why they seem to have an abundance of women :-). The vast majority of women who claim the guys they date are assholes are merely using that term to shame a man who refuses to bend his entire life to her wishes. It is very much the counterpart of women claiming they were in an abusive relationship. While some women truly are in physically and emotionally abusive relationships, the vast majority of women who say they were in one weren't abused; they were merely dissatisfied with some aspect of the relationship, usually that the guy didn't kowtow to her wishes and wants.

2. So the next time a woman claims the guy she's fucking is an asshole, don't believe that automatically. At least dig further and get the facts and don't just assume the woman is automatically right. Because the bigger problem is when guys make the logical leap to saying "if this woman keeps dating assholes, and I want to date this woman, then I must become an asshole." That sounds logical. And indeed, both men and women believe it. Men in the blue pill phase think they need to start yelling at women, degrading them, etc in order to get them to like them. And women all wonder why nice guys, as soon as they improve their looks, get a little money, and start attracting interest, become assholes. But the flaw is, how she defines an asshole and how you define an asshole is entirely different. I hope I've shown you that your/our definition of an asshole (guy who mistreats women) is not the same as a woman's definition of an asshole (guy who refuses to sublimate his entire life to her whims). And so now, I'll show you how to become the not-an-asshole asshole that women love to date.

The answer is simple, and consists of 2 inter-related parts.

First, and most important: build a life that you truly love leading. Many people (men and women) desperately want a relationship mainly because the rest of their life is so miserable, and they hope that if only they can snag some dream man/woman, that person will be able to magically fix it. Don't be that guy. (Also, relationships don't fix other problems in your life. If anything, other problems in your life doom promising relationships.) So do the hard work of building that life yourself. Do you want a satisfying career? Do you want to live in an exciting city? Do you want to have a great circle of friends that can keep you from being lonely? Yes? Then work on those things.

While you're building that life, if you feel that you want a certain type of woman in your life, then it behooves you to incorporate what she would want as well. I can see you getting defensive reading those words "Ogrilla wants me to become a dancing monkey! I'm not going to change just for a woman! Isn't that the opposite of what he's been saying all along? Hypocrite!" But hear me out. I'm not saying become a dancing monkey. If you go for the right type of woman, then many of your interests / goals in life / etc will align. Indeed, that's the very definition of "the right type of woman" for you. Which means, creating a life that such a woman would find attractive, would also be a life that you would find attractive and satisfying. On the other hand, if you think your ideal woman is someone who has an entirely different conception of a satisfying life than you do, then it would be wise to rethink what type of woman you're aiming for (I could probably write another article on this point :-). So most of this is choosing the right type of woman, and going beyond superficial stuff like looks. But on the margins (never compromise on your core), there may be things that you can incorporate that you still would be okay with, and that would make you more attractive to the types of women you want.

Second, once you have this attractive life, don't change it for a woman. I don't mean don't ever compromise. On the margins, on unimportant stuff, you will need to make some accommodations. But decide what's important to you, what constitutes the core of your life, and don't compromise on that. If you've truly succeeded in building a great life, you'll find that lots of woman will want to be a part of it, and this will help you realize that there's no need to compromise because you can easily find another woman, but you only have one life to live.

These two things feed on themselves: the more satisfying a life you build, the more you enjoy it, the more you're motivated to keep building, and the less you'll be willing to give it up for a woman. Meanwhile, as this life attracts more women to it, you stop putting them on a pedestal, realize that women are easier to replace than your core values or other important parts of your life, and the less you'll be willing to bend to their wishes. And with that, your transformation into an asshole (not-an-asshole) will be complete. With any luck, your new girlfriend will be crying on her orbiter's shoulder about how the guy she's fucking (i.e. you!) is an asshole for not caving into her demands!