
Had my ass handed to me a lot these past few months when trying to maintain frame. Figured I'd share some of these experiences so that more novices can learn from my failures.

Simple shit-tests

Even if you're a novice you know what the essence of what your average shit-test is. However simply having the capacity to recognize that something is a shit test isn't enough. Twice now I've been given shit tests by women who were so attractive that I couldn't think of a response since I had put her on that pedestal. The worst of the two was when I noticed something sticking out of an HB9 coworker's back jean pocket

Me: "Hey you have something sticking out of your back pocket."

Her: (looks seductively at me over her shoulder) "Are you looking at my butt?"

Me: "No! No, I was just pointing that out cause it looked odd." (rushes away)

The best way I can relate this story to someone reading this is imagine the hottest celebrity you can think of. Now imagine she is coming on to you as hard as that, right now. You need to be prepared for that sort of interaction mentally because it will happen with a woman who you'd never think would be interested.

Girls will try to trick you with clever shit-tests

If I had to point to my biggest failure with frame it would be this. Letting a girl trick me with a shit-test. I actually didn't realize I was falling for the same type of shit-test until it happened for the third time in a row. Although I'll add one of the instances so you can try spotting where I went wrong. This was me talking to an HB8 about going to see The Last Jedi (I had made a fb post that I wanted to see it at least 4 times)

Me: "Just going to like all of my posts without saying hi? So rude"

Her: "Hi"

Her: "Wanna see Star Wars?"

Me: "Lol again?"

Her: "You said four times"

Me: "Fuck yeah I did. So when are you in town anyway?"

Her: "I'll be in town tomorrow again through January"

Me: "So Monday then?"

Her: "Lol maybe"

Her: "If you do really wanna see again. HMU Monday"


Me: "Afternoon, ready to party?"

Her: "I might be seeing disaster artist today"

Me: "Ight later"

Catch it? I didn't when it happened. I used this example for two reasons because it is hard to spot but also because a close friend of mine who is also friends with her (but my loyal bro) later told me that she's been dabbling in these sorts of social mechanics I correctly suspected were at play. Meaning that I now know this is what happened without a doubt. So if you're still confused at where I went wrong it's when I caved at "Fuck yeah I did." She knew I wanted to go see it with her so she was seeing how easily I'd cave to see it with her. Since her tone completely changed shortly after I agreed to go see it with her. She was using the hangout as a shit-test because she did not plan to see the movie with me to begin with because she only wanted to know if I'd go see it with her. Instead of taking the role of leading from her I became a follower in her little game of "Lets go see Star Wars".

It became obvious after I failed this sort of shit-test the third time when a girl wanted weed from me and offered to meet me at a local mall. I'd been trying to hang out with said girl for a while but to no avail so I jumped at this opportunity but again we never met up. I started realizing that girls will suspect that you are emotionally invested so they'll bait it out of you with the prospect of hanging out with them etc.


Shit-tests are more complex than something that shouldn't be taken seriously. They also stretch into things that appear as being a true intention such as wanting to see a movie. I'm still going to fail many more times until I get the hang of it but if this knowledge helps even one person I'll be happy.

Edit: Shout out to you guys in the comments, even helped me learn a lot in return