Time and time again, self improvement articles draw in the "devil's advocates" and black pill incels. "I can't lift because my face is fucked up." "The girl responded like that because you're handsome." "Game doesn't work for ugly people."

Even if these guys have a real point, and things are as bad as they say, there is absolutely no point in crying about it. All they are doing is lounging around in a pit of despair. This will make their lives absolutely miserable. Just thinking positive despite the "harsh truth" of life will keep them somewhat happy. Besides this, improving fitness, social skills, and other things which draw in women will drastically improve your life even if you don't get laid once. If you haven't tried your very best to get laid, than you can't call yourself an incel. And if at the end you've failed after giving it your best, at least you've likely had quite an interesting life, and, as the saying goes: "It's better to have tried and failed than to have never tried at all."

Let me describe myself for all of you. I am 6'1. I have long blonde hair, and blue eyes. My face is extremely handsome. I have a swimmer's body. Basically, I look like a young Ryan Gosling. I am extremely intelligent, but not so intelligent that I can't relate to people. Just enough to be ahead of 95% of the population. I am a talented pianist and composer. To sum it all up, my genetics are about as perfect as they could possibly be.

According to incels, I should be living in some sort of magical dream world where women throw themselves at me all the time. This could not be further from the truth. For a ridiculously long time, I was a virgin. I was decently popular and well liked, but for whatever reason I was painfully shy and extremely anxious around girls. Finally one day I decided to take control of my situation. It took a long time, and a lot of hard work, but I finally lost my virginity and managed to become successful with women. I was very lazy before and expected everything to be handed to me on a platter due to my natural gifts. I was like Elliot Rodgers - pure arrogance coupled with severe anxiety and extreme laziness.

There are thousands of guys like me out there. There are guys who could be male models, but they don't take care of themselves and therefore look average an unnoticeable. There are guys who never approach girls. There are guys who "have it all" but are socially awkward. There are guys like Nikola Tesla - 6'3, handsome AF, genius level intelligence - but they choose to focus on their work instead of women. There's a whole website dedicated to the problem called "Goodlookingloser." The point is, there are thousands and thousands of guys who are very smart, very talented, very good looking, and very unsuccessful with women, whether that's by choice or not. Most people don't want to work hard and don't care that much about success. An ugly man who works hard to develop himself will have a better sex life than a good looking man who lazes around. So many people are wasting their potential away. If you are an incel, work hard to improve and you will be surprised at just how successful you can become.