I made an exception to my Eastern European women only rule a few months back and here's how it went.

About 8 weeks into dating/plating she starts asking me for more time, more commitment etc.

Wants to be official, always talking about kids. I see where it's going but would like to continue dating and if that's not an option then I want to get off the bus

Post wall, so all normal behaviour so far.

We were due to meet for lunch one day and she text to confirm the time.

Here's how our last convo went, over text:

Her: Still ok for today? Me: Sure, I need to do some stuff first so 2pm is good Her: On second thought, I don't feel like you're taking this seriously so I'm not prepared to meet you anymore Me: That sounds like a great idea, take care. Her: What. No, wait, look let's meet and talk.
Her: I'm sorry I said that, can we just pretend I didn't say anything. Her: Can we still meet? Her: Are you ok? I'm sorry.

For weeks after I got texts apologising and begging me to meet her again. I never did and I never replied.

Not to be cruel but if I let her win this one then it was a quick path to losing control and ending up in an LTR that I didn't want.

Women respect men with strong boundaries, always be willing to walk away and you will instantly become super attractive.

It's hard to walk away from guaranteed pussy but if you can do it, you will become a better man.

Nothing new here, you've read it a hundred time but a real world example is always useful. Now go lift :)