I was at a bar last weekend, and my LTR goes to the bathroom. I figured, fuck it, I'll just find a chair and watch some dudes play pool. I figured that shed be gone for about 5 minutes.

Unlike a lot of people here, I'm no Greek God. Im 5'10 and about 165 pounds. Ive been lifting for a while, and people often comment about my physique, but I started when I was kinda skinny fat (forced weight gain, anorexia, long story). As a result, I dont have as much definition as I would like. I would put my bf% at around 15 (reality check: there are dudes on here saying they are 4-5 %. I would advise everyone to google what body fat percents look like. I had one of those handheld machines tell me 4% and I know that's total BS).

Anyway, after my girlfriend leaves, a group of foreign women start hovering over me. Im sitting on a chair backwards with my arms on its back. After about a minute, one of the girls starts poking the indent on my arm where my tricep is. I say, "can I help you", and her friends start giggling. I get up to face them directly, and before I can say anything else, another girl squeezes my chest. And then again. I admit that I dont't have great frame control, and as a result, I was kind of speechless. At this moment, my girlfriend comes out, sees them giggling at me, and starts asking me what's going on. I'm pissed at this point, so I say "Nothing, watching pool but these thirsty women are in the way". The female group gets the hint and leaves.

What mindset must you have to think squeezing a complete stranger's chest is OK? If genders were reveresed, I'd be crucified or beaten up. Do females not realize the immense hypocrasy in their actions? Why do I not deserve the same physical privacy that they do? The entire scenario was so unbelievable to me.

Am I approaching this situation the wrong way? Instead of feeling anger, should I feel gratification and validation? What is the correct way to approach what happened, both intellectually and in the moment (I realized after that I could have said something like "Ok, my turn now").