Keep your game simple. None of this PUA beta bullshit. I either drag a women home from the bar the same night i meet her with the "share a taxi?" line or i ask i women i want to fuck to come over and watch a movie. (Don't say Netflix and chill).

This is as basic as it will ever get and EVERYONE knows what it implies. If the woman says yes to sharing a taxi or watching a movie she is most certainly game to fuck. There are exceptions of course and they may change their mind but then you just cut your losses and move on.

Generally if a girl agrees to come over and watch a movie with me i have my arm around her within 5 minutes of starting the movie and move on from there.

Seriously if she agrees to come over she is interested (unless you managed to previously fuck it up by trying to be her friend).

You don't need "game" or the ability to read social cues or neuro linguistic programming or some shit. You simply put an offer on the table and see if she is buying.

Anytime a woman puts herself in a position where she is alone with you in her or your home it generally means she wants you to fuck her. I don't care what she says her reasons are.

I used to host a lot of parties in my house back in the day. I often got drunk and decided to sleep early. Two of those times i had women who i thought was out of my league come in to my bedroom giving me some bs excuse to sleep in my bed. "it's too late to get a taxi and all the sofas are taken" or whatever. I instantly knew they just wanted me to fuck them and so i did.

What i am trying to say is that you should ignore what you think her intentions are and instead look at the current situation you are in. If she put her self in that situation chances are she want's it.