Thread here.

Guy on r/okcupid just posted about his recent disaster date with a 35 year old woman. She was a bitch from the start: lied about her ethnicity, refused to give out her number before the date, used a photo from 5 years ago (probably to mask the eye wrinkles and drying skin).

On the date itself, she kept talking about her exes, of which there were probably 25. This is most likely a potent shit test to see what her date would do, and I assume he failed because the woman continued to be a bitch throughout. She refused to contribute conversation beyond answering his questions and, get this - halfway through the date she left to go talk to another guy at the bar. Most likely another shit test which the OP predictably failed yet again.

After it was over, OP finally gathered his balls and asked for separate checks. She went into shock and said to him "that's insulting". They walked out of the restaurant and she left after a curt goodbye.

While OP may not know it, this story seems to have a lot of RedPill implications, including a theme that this sub even gets wrong sometimes.

1) Never assume postwall women are automatically easier or desperate to please. Her looks may be fading faster than spilled water on a sidewalk, but she always has the potential to carry over the bitchiness she accumulated throughout her youth. For most women, that sense of attitude and entitlement never goes away. It's a defense mechanism so they can pretend they're just as valuable as they were at the age of 20. "That guy didn't pay for my drink??? He doesn't know what a hot body he's missing out on! Age is just a number!"

2) Know how to recognize and combat shit tests. This is the part where I'd like to open up discussion; clearly her talking about exes and going to excitedly speak to another man were examples of shit tests, but what should OP have done? (short of leaving the date at that moment)