Summary: This is a post showing that being alpha isn't always the best route to take with a woman and we'll take a look at the 2 main things a girl needs from you to sleep with you.


Alpha Fucks, Beta Bucks. We've heard this time after time. Whilst this premise is ultimately true, Women do still fuck beta bucks, it just depends what frame of mind or emotional state they are in. Generally, it's better to err on the side of Alpha and then show beta qualities once she has established you as Alpha. However, I think a lot of guys forget that they need to show the beta still.

Women are primarily looking for 2 things in a partner:

  1. The Alpha with the best sperm to have the best children. (This is Attraction)
  2. Someone who is going to stay around afterward to help her raise it. (This is comfort)

The paradox here and where so many men get frustrated, is that when you are building attraction, you are generally decreasing her comfort. When you build comfort, you are decreasing attraction.

For a woman to sleep with you, you need to have the right BALANCE of Attraction and Comfort, and then of course take care of logistics. However, no woman is the same twice, and her CURRENT state and emotions will dictate where this balance lies on the scale between Alpha and Beta.

For example: She's out in the club with her friends partying, chances are shes going to need you to be showing a lot more alpha qualities.

Her bf just broke up with her and shes vulnerable and sad etc, you're going to need to shift yourself to appear slightly more beta. (IMPORTANT: ITS ON A SCALE, YOU STILL NEED TO SHOW BOTH, Alpha or Beta aren't mutually exclusive.)

The last piece of this puzzle lies in your SMV compared to hers. If the two of you run in the same social circle and she's barely a 7, whilst you're a 9, have status, and are generally accepted to be the alpha of the group, showing MORE ALPHA qualities destroys her comfort and won't sleep with you. Attraction for women is a knob that gets turned up, but once its turned on, YOU DON'T NEED TO KEEP TURNING IT. You need to not fuck it up. Showing more alpha qualities when she herself knows you can do better completely skews the scale and she'll be too insecure. (Note, shit tests and comfort tests are literally her way of putting the scale into balance for her own emotions).


Everything in the world is relative, and you need to keep a close eye on where you currently stand in her eyes, and adjust accordingly.