It's crazy to me how this piece is, consistently, one of my my viewed essays- for sure the one that people find the most through search terms on Google. While masculinity will never truly go out of style, because natural game inherently points in its direction, femininity has truly become a LOST ART.

So much that I only scratch the surface of what it means to be feminine here. The feminine woman gives off warmth and presence to all men, regardless of her interest or their value. This comes naturally to her. This much was clear to me when I wrote the piece.

The Female Ego has replaced the feminine. When femininity was the rule, rather than the exception, women didn't compete with men- women didn't want to compete with men. Now women want to tear down and castrate all men around her, for the sake of her own vanity, and fuck the ones who are left standing.

And stupid beta men are far too willing to get their balls cut off for the sake of her feelings!

If there is any greater testament to the death of femininity- and the dire need for more genuine femininity in the world- look no further than the rise of YouTube ASMR- virtual femininity like pornography is virtual sex.


The most efficient way of understanding the truth about Female Nature is doing a quick reversal of the kind of Feminist theory that has become mainstream thought over the last half-century.

Women do, in-fact, need men; womanhood is defined through manhood.

If we understand the form of Masculinity as a man’s “efficiency in acquiring power, his comfort in holding power, and his ability to maintain power,” we can understand the Form of Femininity as a woman’s comfort in submitting to power.

An accurate gauge for determining the depth of a woman’s Femininity is by observing how she treats a valueless man. A woman will quite predictably treat an alpha male with a certain baseline respect; a beta-male, always happily willing to be used for spare parts, will be exploited like any other resource, but the place of an otherwise valueless in a woman’s life can be fairly curious.

A woman will respond to the valueless in one-of-four ways:

  1. She is disgusted by him and avoids him all together. In this scenario, she is highly irritated when she must, by-chance, be forced to deal with a worthless man; his crime, of course, is merely existing.

  2. She attempts to exploit his weaknesses and treat him as an easy target to thought-police and opinion bully. Should he not comply, see (1).

  3. She feigns niceties and treats the man with condescension. While this is less offensive than (1) or (2), it isn’t saying a whole lot about the woman’s Femininity.

  4. or, She treats him with the same uniform kindness that she’d meet anyone with.

The Feminine woman has a healthy relationship with men; she doesn’t have the urge to exploit the valuable qualities of men while treating the worthless as sub-human. The Feminine woman meets the world with a calm submission, and this is manifested in her genuine desire to nurture.

In teaching women to grasp at power like wild beasts, Feminism has done the disservice of endowing women with a Female Ego which runs opposed to the calming presence of Femininity.

Again we can play the game where we reverse Feminist doctrine and find the truth.

According to modern Feminism, men have fragile and destructive egos; a man’s ego results from the tendency to protect his Masculinity at all costs. This tendency is equal parts pathetic, immature, and ignorant; if a man “only understood” that it was “far more respectable” to surrender his masculine power, his persona of superiority, and his competitive nature, this “evolved man” would, in turn, garner far more respect for such a submission.

And playing on a man’s natural tendency toward kindness and his desire to develop a positive male identity by-way of embodying the Good Man archetype, the modern male will go-along with the encouraged surrender of ego…

Until he realizes that the respect he was promised for his compliance with post-modernist social theory is non-existent; his compliance, if anything, has caused a respect deficit and despite his effort in attempting to embody the Good Man, he is actually shown disrespect.

A man clings to ego, and develops an identity through masculinity, out of necessity- through understanding that his success and value is dependent on it. It isn’t that a man wants to win all the time to feel good; it’s that a man needs to win all the time to be socially relevant.

The female ego is purely about the good feelings associated with winning; a woman does not need to rely on success or respect to retain her value as a human, therefore her feelings of superiority are purely to satisfy her own egotistical self-image.

The modern woman wants a man to let her win the game, and then tell her that she won for real. The latter must never come into question, or be subject to doubt; she must honestly believe that she bested the man.

This would work out okay if the woman understood the kindness involved with a man letting her feel as though she outplayed him, but considering her need to believe the win was authentic, her win only causes her to lose respect for the man.

After all, what kind of man loses to a woman?

A man who strives to be a Good Man will be taught from an early age to never put a woman in her place, or deny her the ability to voice her opinion– the quality of her opinion being irrelevant; whether she’s clearly wrong doesn’t matter. A Good Man is taught that a woman inherently deserves to have her voice heard.

While it’s true that a woman is attracted to a strong Alpha male putting her in her place and not letting her win- be it in competition or debate- everyone else on the radar of the Female Ego must be tyrannized by her fragile emotional state and inability to deal with failure or criticism.

Femininity is submission; the surrender of ego. Although Feminine women are typically girly, and usually attractive, these qualities follow Femininity but are not causal of Femininity.

As Feminists have worked diligently to eradicate all traces of Feminine tendency in women, replaced by the more masculine Female Ego, the idea of being sexualized has replaced the delicate essence of Femininity.

Redefining the term Feminine does not lead to long term success for women, nor does it provide men with the driving force of Feminine energy; it leads to a hedonistic culture of promiscuous sex unfocused on the larger issue of maintaining a strong civilization.

The Feminist will look at the Feminine woman’s calm surrender as a display of weakness; she will swear that the Feminine woman not continuously grasping at power will leave her open to being taken advantage of by men; that the Feminine woman’s submission inherently implies a lack of standards– that this submission must mean that the Feminine woman is settling for a lesser man than she deserves.

This is not the case. The Feminine woman’s display of submission is merely a lack of Female Ego to protect. The Feminine woman is so genuinely confident in herself that she doesn’t need to win petty arguments with men to prove her worth- this is true female confidence.

Femininity has been so ravaged by Feminists that it has become incredibly rare and valuable; valuable because all people benefit from Feminine essence, not just men.

Since the Feminine is so rare to encounter in the real world, hyper-Feminine women have taken to YouTube to make videos featuring nothing more than Feminine Energy, that you are intended to watch privately, with headphones, in order to soak in this essence- esoteric in the Western World.

Like my Post? Check out my blog - Kill to Party - updated with: Suburbia and “Over the Edge” (1979)