What do women like in a man?


When women are asked about what they like in a man, 85 percent of the time you will hear the word confidence pop up. I know we shouldn't listen to what females say blindly, but there is truth to this sentiment. Women like what they call confidence. But they don't understand what it really is. When women say confidence, what they really mean is...


Outcome indifference


Almost every successful man displays high levels of outcome indifference. Why? Is it because it is good not to care about things? Not really. Rather, it is of the utmost importance not to be too invested in things. When you are over invested, you are forced to act in ways you otherwise wouldn't. You lose leverage. You lose credibility. You lose control.


This is the key. Being in control is the single most attractive trait any being can have. Male or female, lion or sheep, business or consumer. Being in control is always better than being controlled. Because if you are in control, you have power. You have value. The main reason why women are attracted to outcome indifference is because it is almost a telltale sign of a high value person.


How is outcome indifference cultivated?

The good news is that there are no prerequisites to being outcome indifferent. The bad news?


You can't fake this shit. If you really don't care, it is hard to fake caring. And vice versa. Incidentally, this is why psychopathic men seem to be more sexually successful than neurotypical men. They really do not care in the same way that normal people do. This makes them hard to predict, to control, and consequently gives them social leverage and power. Women are disordered by default, they are ruled by unpredictable emotions. They need someone who can keep them sane, without being susceptible to anything at the same time. But I digress.


Usually, the circumstances under which people display high levels or outcome indifference are when they are overqualified to perform a task, uncaring about the end result of a situation, mentally distressed, or calm and relaxed.


For example, professional athletes will display outcome indifference when competing with high school teams. Is this because they want to lose? No. Because they know they won't. They don't care about what will happen, because they know what will happen, and its in their favor.


If you are high as fuck and struggling to remember what planet you are on, chances are you won't pay as much attention to some things you usually do. This is incidentally why drugs can increase outcome indifference.


Make no mistake, the best way to be outcome indifferent is to truly not be afraid of the outcome, good or bad.




The men who fail are usually the fearful. The men who are brave win the dangerous wars. There is a common theme here. The end result changes based on the mindset. Fear can paralyze you as a man. Don't let it.


In almost every area of your life, there is something you could be doing better. And usually the reason why you aren't is because you are afraid of something. What is it? What are you afraid of?


Afraid of seeming weird for approaching? Afraid that your startup company will fail miserably? Afraid that others are better than you? Afraid that you can never get over your mental issues?


Fear is the absolute worst thing for a man. Outcome indifference is one of the best. These things work against each other. Face your fears head on. Start lifting. Do your research. Start that company. Approach these females. Get that raise. Write that paper. Fix your family issues. Face these fears. Because when you do, you will realize that failure is better than paralysis and stagnation. Don't be afraid of failing. If you fail you always have a second chance. If you die while fighting you die a man. If you run from your problems you die uncared for and forgotten.


Fuck fear.


How do I start?


Fix your mind. The mind is our greatest enemy and ally. Fix your mind.


If you have some addictions, get on it. You know what you need to do. Stop rationalizing like a little bitch. You know what you need to do.


If you are procrastinating. STOP. And fucking start working on that project.


If you want to get stronger but you don't know which gym or which training program, just start by doing bodyweight exercises.


Read Stoic philosophy, Seneca is pretty cool too.


Meditate (not any fancy shit just clear your mind and set goals and repeat real shit that will get you focused)



You are capable of a fucking lot. Don't be afraid, be outcome indifferent. Lift, meditate, read Stoic shit, and START being a man ffs