I often get messages from readers asking for specific advice. The entitled ones I ignore, the polite ones I reply to. If I like the topic I may end up rambling about it at length. Sometimes I get questions that I know may apply to many more trp users, and so I think it might be smart to share some of these conversations for those of you who are in the same boat.

This user is just starting university in the UK and wants to know how best to approach his freshers week (first week before classes start).

I'm starting uni soon and I was wondering if you had any tips for freshers week and uni in general. I had to ask you because it looks like most red pillers are ~40/50 and don't know what it's like to be 18 again. You've obviously experienced it more recently and knows what works best.

My reply:

Stop trying to fuck girls, don't make it obvious that you're sexually interested in them. Chill out and just befriend them and make a social group, you can fuck them later. Covert game is the way to play it, don't go around "picking up" or "gaming". You will quickly get a creep reputation. We're not in the US, and girls are a bit more mature and clued in here, so they'll see right through you. Read over "Autists vs Borderlines".

Girls in freshers are just now tasting some kind of freedom, they will be gagging for it, and a lot will be making "mistakes". Just play it chill and they will fall into your lap. It's much easier than you'll expect it to be. You will get a lot of IOIs and go aheads if you're not too forward and spergy, attracting the girl is never that hard, where most guys fuck up is that they never escalate. Just focus more on making some solid male friendships and branching out into LOTS of acquaintances, networking is key. If you make women your primary focus, you'll fuck it up. The old adage holds up, "the harder you try to get girls, the fewer you actually fuck. If you stop trying, it's suddenly easy".

Join a sports team or society, even if you suck. They won't really care that much. Play on the third or fourth team if you must. It's the only place to get the chad bromance and upscale girl attention, our version of frats. Just being associated with some of these dudes is enough to get you some pussy. I started climbing at university, good sport.

Oh, and don't forget to actually study. A lot of people never do. Remember what you're here for, it might not be important to you now, your first year might only be worth like 10% or even nothing at all, but getting involved in the academic side, actually working every day and being a student will ALL pay off for you later. It's totally possible to be both studious and social at the same time, many people do it. Actually study every day, even if it's just for an hour.

My best tip is to get into the habit of waking up early. Like 5/6AM. All the most successful people in the world do this. There's nothing better than busting out an hour at the gym, and an hour in the library learning that morning's lecture before most people are even awake. You turn up to the lecture energized and already knowing half of it, thus allowing you to focus on it better and picking up the intricate details that separate the 2:1s from the 1sts.

And if you find yourself falling behind, get on that shit IMMEDIATELY. Do not think "I'll make up for it later" or "I'm already so far behind now there's no point starting". These are brutal traps. If you're slipping, sacrifice some time to catch up. A few hours of work while you're slipping is equal to 10 hours of work when you've already fallen off the horse. Be efficient.

Oh and you'll probably go to a lot of clubs and "events" during freshers week. For most people, it's their first time ever doing this kind of thing. They'll be awkward as hell. Don't be the dude standing in the corner nursing a drink because you're self conscious about dancing. Just clown it up and be silly, as GLO says, just play the character and become a stupid club bro for a night, accept the music even if it's stupid, dance even if you look dumb, no one cares, they're all caring too much about themselves. I've gotten laid by girls who said I was a stupid dancer but they liked that I didn't give a shit.

But yeah, don't hyperfocus on getting laid. Uni is much more than that, you'll lose a lot of great experiences if you dedicate yourself to one path.