Power is everywhere, at all times, absolutely. By the very laws of nature and physics, no entity can exist independant of the universe as we know it. Therefore no entity can exist independant of another entity. And wherever two entities exist, there will be formed, a hierarchy.

Right now I have power over you. These words serve to act as an extension of myself. They are representing my thoughts and ideas in my stead. You, are playing the subserviant role. Reading and taking in my words as if listening. Granted this isnt really very signifcant. My power is limited in that as soon as I type something that rubs you the wrong way you'll go "fuck this guy" and click off. For instance if I were writing a book on this subject, plugging a link to my patreon right here would be a real easy way to forfeit my power

Learning to recognize power in its simplest forms could very well be the key to unlocking all that there is in life. As I outlined above, I currently have a degree of power over my audience but it should be noted that they also have power over me. You can choose to ignore this post, downvote it. In doing so you will have exercised what is arguably even greater power than I have as the writer. Any creator is nothing without a consumer.

Identify the relationships involved. You can get really fucking abstract with this. A surfer has power over the surfboard which grants him a degree of power over the wave. The wave ultimately controls the direction the surfer travels and with what force, but the surfer, in taking control over the board, has power over the outcome of each ride.

Apply it to addiction. The relationship being you and cigarettes for example. You have power over cigarettes in that you can stop buying them, choose to not smoke, to walk away. They have power in the form of psychological and physical symptoms of withdrawal and addiction.

Information. You have the power to choose what you fill your mind with and how you use it. When a person sits down in front of a television they can choose from any number of influences. Whether its what news station they tune into, if they choose to watch the news at all, the type of content they consume, whether or not they pay attention to advertising. Information is a lot like matter, it cant be created out of thin air. All the ideas any person may have are predicated on all the ideas they have absorbed over their lifetime. Having the power to chose what influences them may very well give a person the power to better mold themselves into who they want to be.

One of the ultimate questions of life is whether or not we have free will or our lives have been predetermined by some sort of cosmological fate, be it attributed to a religious source or otherwise. I propose that one way of testing this would be to identify all the areas of life wherein a person has power and flesh out all the possible outcomes. So far in every instance I can come up with, there is always a degree of personal agency to be had, at least in the instances where the relationship is between a person and a other entity.

I could probably dedicate another post entirely to the application of this idea to extrapersonal relationships as well. Identifying where you have power is very useful, but It can be just as useful to see where power lies for other entities as well. One such application I can think of would be in the financial sector. I dont know much about investing as of yet but from what I can ascertain, it doesnt make any sense to invest in a business that you dont understand. Off the top of my head I imagine jewelry sales around Christmas and Valentines would do something to the price of precious metals, but since I havent put any more thought into it than that, Im not about to make any investments in gold or silver. That leads well into my final point though. Looking at power in markets and seeing how the actions of the consumer form a relationship with the value of goods seems widely beneficial.

If anyone wants to expand on the extrapersonal power hierarchies and help me flesh that out more Id be especially enthused to read those comments.