Summary: Remain focused, in all of your interactions with other men, on how you can help and bring them up. This may literally be the path to ruling the world.

I remember reading a story about an aboriginal tribe’s sexual practices, though I can’t for the life of me remember the source. It was some manosphere author.

The story went that a long time ago among this tribe of savages, sex was very literally a transaction. Men actually exchanged resources – meat – for sex. When the hunting season came, all of the tribe’s warriors would go off into the woods and hunt, then come back with their kills. And as each man laid a kill in front of the communal fire, a woman would come forward and take the man back to her hut for sex. In this way, the men who produced for the community were rewarded with sex.

However, every hunting season, before returning to the village, the men would meet about a mile outside of town, and they would divide their kills, out of sight of the women. Hunting was an unpredictable task, and after this hunt, you might have multiple kills, while some men wouldn’t have any. But the next hunt, it might be you who didn’t have any kills. By dividing up the kills, the men ensured that every man would come back with meat, and every man would get laid. This was a very early brotherhood.

It’s not so hard to imagine that in putting one over on the tribe’s women like this, the men might have had a good time. Maybe they gave skinny-Bill, the nerdiest of the hunters, the best kills to bring back, so that hot-Stacy, the bitchiest and most stuck up of the tribe’s women, would have sex with skinny-Bill. Maybe they got a kick out of tricking the hottest bitch in town into fucking Bill. And maybe they felt a sense of pride in helping Bill out and raising him up.

Back in the “good old days” when men were men, our fathers were married to our mothers, lived at home with us, taught us how to change a tire, and demonstrated to us, through example, how men lived and acted and how normal relationships were supposed to go. Many of our dads served in the army, where it was just them and their brothers, training together, enduring abuse and hazing by their officers together, and if deployed, enduring terrible conditions together. Not just the elements, but sometimes getting shot at and getting blown up, coming home with pieces missing, or in a bag. They were a brotherhood, and they’d take bullets for each other. Spending your weekend with your friend who got his legs blown off was far more honorable than spending it chasing skirt.

Back in the “good old days” when men were men, boys would join sports teams. Even skinny-Bill. And they’d try their hardest for each other and for the team. And sure, the guys would give skinny-Bill a hard time, but at the end of the day, he was one of them, and if he endured their abuse, he’d be at the party getting introduced to slutty girls along with the rest of the team. Because even though he was a little slower and weaker than the rest of them, the team meant the same thing to Bill that it meant to all of them, and he’d take a helmet in the ribs for them just to help move that ball another inch. They were a team. A brotherhood.

Women are a sisterhood. Even among women they’ve never met. If your girlfriend cheats on you while out at girls’ night, her friends will fight like hell to hide it from you. If a random woman comes out of the woodwork to accuse a rich celebrity of rape, every woman immediately declares that if you don’t believe her, you’re a sexist rape-apologist. Any time a woman, anywhere, feels hurt or slighted, all women commiserate with her. They aren’t necessarily our enemies. It’s not an us versus them mentality. However, they are definitely a team. A sisterhood. Women side with women, back women up, and raise up other women when possible.

They’re not very good at it, though. Women are catty and easily distracted. Women are easy to offend, and if they find another woman offensive, they are quick to cut her out and crush her social existence. Behind the scenes of the sisterhood, they’re all competing with each other. Even so, however, they are running laps around us.

Men have lost their sense of brotherhood. Men being men, helping other men, raising other men up – essentially, the “patriarchy” – that’s gone. In fact, men organizing and being any kind of brotherhood is often seen as dangerous – a threat.

Today, most men are wankers. The second your friend gets a girlfriend, he disappears from the map for six months and forgets all about his bros. If you, his best friend of 15 years, tells him that his girlfriend of 3 months is a serious bitch, he punches you and refuses to speak to you ever again. If his girlfriend cheats on him, he blames the man she fucked. And when skinny-Bill walks by, he points and laughs and attempts to demonstrate to everybody around him how superior he is to Bill. And when somebody does the same to him, he becomes catty and vengeful. Like a woman.

Men, as a whole, have lost our sense of brotherhood. We have transformed from a group that would take helmets and bullets for each other, share the fruits of our labors, help others get laid, help raise others up – into a group of catty women. Meanwhile, the women, who have remained a sisterhood (albeit a very badly run one), have walked all over us.

Before I make my concluding point, I would like to apologize to anybody I have slighted here, or any of the times I have come across as catty. Our focus should be on bringing each other up – yes, through tough love if necessary – but not on being unnecessarily bitchy to each other. Some of the men here are very, very lost boys, but if they are here, they are trying to find their way. They are here for help.

Each of your focuses should be the same. Before submitting a post, before submitting a comment, and even in your real-world interactions with other men, think first. Think about how you can really and truly help raise up another man and further the brotherhood, rather than how your post or your interaction makes you look. The goal here is not to post cool shit and get lots of internet fame for being smart and Red Pill. The goal is to actually help our fellow men. To help those of us who are lost be a little less lost.