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The Machine

  • The Machine is made up of two consoles of dials and a screen.

  • One the right console are "A" dials with a led level labelled "Attractiveness".

  • On the left console are "B" dials with a led level labelled "Providing". On the screen in front of you are two more led levels, labelled "Dependability" and "Sex" respectively.

  • The main purpose of the Machine, as far as most operators seem to agree on, is to display a high "Sex" level. Other purposes may be desirable, but are outside of the scope of this manual.

How dials affect the Machine

  • All dials on the "A" console increase the console's Attractiveness level AND the screen's Sex level. But some of these dials don't affect the screen's Dependability level, while some other dials reduce it. Some of the dials that don't affect that level (let's call them A1 dials) include "Lift", "Dress well", and "Social status". The dials that reduce the Dependability level (let's call them A2 dials) include some labelled as "Social and personal dominance (Frame)", "Mystery", "Unpredictability", or "Preselection".

  • All dials on the "B" console increase the console's Providing level AND the screen's Dependability level. "B" dials include some labelled "Willingness to share wealth", "Emotional support", "House chores", or "Thoughtful gifts".

How the Machine works

  • First off, if the Dependability level goes too low for too long, the Machine breaks. So, if you want to keep the Machine running, you want to be really careful with those A2 dials that reduce Dependability and you want to make sure the B dials are not at zero. But be aware that the Machine is not 100% reliable: it might keep running (though in an increasingly fucked-up manner) even if that Dependability level is at zero. Also, it could break at any moment anyway, even if you keep a good Dependability level at all times.

  • Second, short increases of the Dependability level can result in short but temporary increases of the Sex level but if the Dependability level goes too high for too long and the Attractiveness level is too low, the Sex level will diminish dramatically. We know it's confusing, but this is where finesse operation is required. To keep the Sex level high, you are better off keeping all A1 dials turned up to the max at all times (it's quite safe to do so), and then adjust the A2 dials and the B dials to maintain high Attractiveness, and medium-to-low Dependability.

  • Third, all levels also tend to change for no fucking reason, at any time. The Machine was built like shit by underpaid workers. So you cannot really set the levels to a sweet spot and then sleep on it. It requires constant adjustment. And even if you do a great job, remember if can just break down without giving you a valid reason for it.

What to do with the Machine

You decide what you want to with the Machine. We only gave you the Operator Manual, but you get to choose what to do with it.

  • You want it to deliver the highest levels of Sex in the shortest amount of time? Turn up all A1 and A2 dials to the max. While you're at it, turn down all B dials to the minimum. The Sex level will go to crazy heights before the machine quickly breaks because of low Dependability. And then you can go get yourself another one if you want.

  • You want it to keep that one Machine working for the longest time? Turn up the B dials to the max. But be aware that the Sex level will drop if you don't turn up any A dials. Also remember that doesn't ensure you the Machine won't just break at any time.

  • You want it to keep working for the longest time while showing high levels of sex? Turn up all A1 dials to the max, and adjust constantly with the A2 and B dials to maintain high levels of Attractiveness and medium levels of Dependability.

Any other purpose is up to you.


The company has been informed that fake versions of the Operator Manual have been distributed on a massive scale in households and schools by publisher "Feminism Inc." and that the false information have unfortunately been propagated further by traditional media and entertainment industry. In particular, we have been informed that the fake manual encourages heavy use of the "B" dials under the false promise that it would increase the "Sex" level. This is highly inaccurate and could cause the Machine to dramatically and permanently break down, potentially incurring losses.

The Company is not liable for direct or indirect losses, arising from operating the Machine outside of the recommendations laid out in the Operator Manual, from operating according to the fake manual, or from the Machine's lack of reliability. In other words, we don't care.