I've known about body language since I was about 16 years old. I'm 25 now. I was heavy into it for about 2 years and then my interest waned because life. When the concept first entered my sphere of awareness, I was in 10th grade and had just been introduced to David DeAngelo with DYD. Worst thing to ever happen to me, but that's a topic for another post.


I remember reading "Stand straight with your chest out, shoulders back." I walked around high school for the next 2 years looking like I was consistently holding in a massive shit whilst simultaneously looking like a massive try hard doing it. Haha. I would've laughed at myself so badly. Over the years as I've learned more and more, I've tweaked my game, toned down the intensity of some actions and really refined others. One of the things I've really refined is my general posture.


About a week ago I was in the bathroom and was checking myself out (Yes. Really.) and thought to myself, "Is my SMV really that low that my body language game doesn't even move the needle?" I'm pretty good looking and I still never get checked out as much as a feel I deserve. Then I did something I've never done before. I checked my posture out from the side in the mirror.


It was the stupidest, simplest thing and I've been kicking myself since about why I never did it sooner. I had never realized, but over the past few years, instead of that doofy high school posture it had morphed into a posture that, overall was decent, but somewhere along the line I had started leaning back 10/15 degrees too far and I had never noticed it. I looked like this guy but slightly worse. I Couldn't believe I had been standing like this guy for the past 3 years. No wonder I had awful lower back, leg and foot pain. Jesus.


Been standing much better for the past week and, combined with my new eye contact game that I've been seriously working on, my IOI's are reaching something like a 75% success rate with girls I make eye contact with. My peripheral vision is excellent and I'm blown away with how many women are checking me out when I'm not looking, and super submissive when we do make eye contact.

It seems so small and insignificant, but the results are blowing me away. Sometimes the smallest tweak to your game can yield massive results. Good Luck fellas.