I see a lot of guys that go on subreddits like askTRP and complain about how such and such didn't go right, how are they supposed to start this certain aspect of red pill culture. It's a very difficult problem for a lot of people, not only how to get started, but how to keep going as well. Thankfully, philosophy has an answer (A short aside here, but I think users here need to stop just thinking of TRP as their PU coach and more as a philosophical school of thought. Using TheRedPill to get laid is a fine goal for the short term, but to truly change your life, you have to understand how TRP can be applied to ALL aspects of life)

Pragmatism, put simply, is not being locked into one position. This is incredibly important when you are first starting out. A lot of guys have been BP for so long, they arn't even sure HOW to start, other than the core tenants of TRP (lift, meditate, approach, repeat) and sidebar material. Their is a wealth of knowledge on the sidebar, but it will all be useless if you don't have the right mindset going into it.

The key change, is to stop believing that change is hard. Try saying this to yourself.

'I have the ability and the knowledge to change my life right now'

This isn't a lie either, all people have the capacity to change instantly. But so few do, because their mind doesn't believe in it.

Follow it up with specfics

'I can begin to change my bodytype right now'

'I can begin talking to women right now'

'I can begin meditating right now'

'I can upvote this post right now'

The immediacy of your mind will snap procrastination in two. If you think in terms of immediate action, rather than thinking 'I'll start lifting tomorrow. I'll talk to that girl tomorrow' which leads into doubt, which poisons your progress.

Begin changing. Today.

If you guys would like some more posts on this idea, I'b be happy to oblige! Keep seeing red!