Summary: Not content with the progress women have made in the workplace thus far, at least one woman is now targeting the next frontier: A long history of office based environmental abuse against women at the hands of their oppressive male overlords. Watch this hamster spin.

Body: Ahh, the big, bad boogeymen, always trying to keep a girl down. The latest scandal of the patriarchy: The office thermostat. According to the author of this article, "Office temperatures are designed for men."

New "research" based on a sample size of 16 women (!) has led this crazy cunt to rally around "Ending the AC double standard." Yes, she actually wrote that. Apparently, women are more comfortable with room temperatures of around 77 degrees, while men prefer temperatures closer to 72. Even the U.S. Government appears to be in on this plot, clearly catering to men by recommending office temperatures of 69 to 73 degrees. Won't somebody think of the women?

The author will, of course, and her solution is simply genius: "Adjust cooling levels to account for women's comfort" and "dramatically slash energy consumption" while you're at it. (Clearly she's never met the post-menopausal vultures at my office.)

There is no mention of men's comfort. I don't suppose that even crossed her little mind.

Even if we find her data realistic (which I don't, but for the sake of argument I'll play along), her big beef is that women in offices can't wear - her words - "a breezy blouse and matching culottes." Instead, they're stuck "swaddling themselves in cardigans and thermal socks." She wants men to suffer in an office that's too warm for them just so she can look cute. Her choice in fashion is simply more important than the men she shares that space with. We gave these bitches full membership in the good old boy's club complete with better-than-equal opportunities and this is how they repay us: Bitching and nitpicking about every little thing and a total disregard for our feelings, desires, and needs.

Let's hope this nonsense doesn't gain any traction... if it does, you'll find me sitting at my desk in nothing but a speedo for a few hours until security drags me out.