It's very easy to fall into the trap of negative thinking. This corner of the internet is particularly susceptible to this, with the anger phase, among other things. If you haven't read "The Power of Now", then you really should try to ASAP. Every redpill man, especially those in the anger phase, should view this book as required reading. Tolle (the author) describes the "pain body" that we all carry around. The pain body is all the negative energy and emotions in our body.

Reading the book gave me many moments of peace, but I still wasn't doing very well. I've come to realize that the pain body is extremely sinister. It is a low lying chronic pain, sometimes almost invisible, lying just beneath the surface. It is like a small anchor. You're swimming, and sometimes you can feel the anchor holding you back, and other times you believe that you are still moving at full speed.

This chronic, low lying pain can even disguise itself as pleasure occasionally. Many of us are closeted masochists. We enjoying reading feminist articles and getting more and more outraged. We enjoy getting into heated arguments with people who disagree with our views. We talk about women in very hateful, bitter tones - rationalizing it by saying that this is a place to vent and that we are trying to convert blue pill men. Hatred, anger, and bitterness can be very powerful energies. These energies can sometimes even lead us to better ourselves. If you depend on such energies for too long, however, self destruction is the most likely outcome.

This chronic, life destroying pain contrasts with good pain, which I call "Wake the Fuck Up!" pain. This pain is acute - you feel it right away, and it forces you to go to a higher level. This pain is the intense sensation of approach anxiety, the pain in your muscles during a workout, the shock upon stepping into a cold shower, the difficulty concentrating in meditation. This pain is a crossroads - you can either stay the same or let yourself go beyond the pain. This pain is honest - it tells you where you're at. This pain cleanses the mind.

Don't get me wrong, the world is a very fucked up place. Cynicism is filled with truth. Dwelling on these facts with anger and bitterness only brings one down though. Delving deeper into hatred of women, society, etc. will only cause you pain. The quote "Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die" rings true.

You have to do your best to release your negativity, hatred, anger, and bitterness. Drop them like a hot potato. Of course, this is easier said than done, but doing it will fill you with a wellspring of joy. Especially to those of you younger than 25, my advice would be to get off reddit ASAP. I started reading TRP at 16 and became a cynical, bitter woman hater when I had never even flirted with a woman. 30 minutes spent studying even a "useless" subject I hated was far more beneficial to me than hours upon hours of reading reddit. One approach for me was worth more than a week worth of "theory" reading. There is a lot of good advice here, but it is very easy for young people to become attracted to the extreme and radical ideologies. At such a young age, it's better to experience this stuff for yourself first anyway. Don't waste your youthful time and energy absorbing negativity. Go out and live. Be a kid, enjoy your youth, work on yourself. Don't get cynical early. Sure, the knowledge can be useful, but innocence is golden, and once lost, can never be returned.

I have started consciously trying to weed useless negativity out of my life and become more positive and grounded. Whenever I find myself getting angry over the state of the world or a reddit post or anything like that, I immediately stop what I'm doing and change my environment. I step outside, sit in my rocking chair, and enjoy the beautiful summer weather. I play some piano. I go swimming. I workout. Basically, anything that will take me out of my damn head and is a fun, useful thing to do. Every evening I talk a long walk. My neighborhood is scenic, and there are many nature parks close by. The summer weather here is perfect, the wildlife vibrant. I walk among blooming flowers, singing birds, and chirping crickets. The air is fresh, the place is quiet, and the sunset is gorgeous. It's very hard to stay negative surrounded by such things. Walking puts me in a trance like state, and I am always refreshed afterwards.

I try to see the good in other people. I am kind and considerate to everyone unless given a reason not to be. I try to help people in small ways every day. That could be holding the door for someone, picking up garbage, or even just giving a friendly greeting. Treating people genuinely really does work. It helps make them feel better, but it really makes you feel better. There is a lightness and energy that is added to you. Focus on making yourself the best person you can possibly be, and your influence will reach out and touch many.

Sexual strategy is amoral. Human happiness is not. I get that we all want to be logical here. The idea of virtue and goodness leading to happiness is a recurring theme found in almost everything. Since this is the case, there must be something to it. It may be pseudo science, but logic can't do it all.

Most of us are capable of great good, and great evil. Sometimes a criminal saves lives at the cost of their own. A good person could become a rapist and murderer if placed in Nazi Germany, the imperial army, etc. There is an old native American story which was told to children. The story says that there are two wolves within us, and whichever wolf you feed is the one which will grow stronger. Don't succumb to the dark side - it will rarely if ever make you happy.