Listen up chucklefucks, I'm going to be resposting some of my more popular threads because you goofs aren't reading the top post around here. Consider this as being my good graces as I'm still willing to help you lovable losers.

We have mountains of quality information for you to pour through to not only figure out how to get into relationships, or get laid, but also how to avoid the many pitfalls that comes along with that newfound success. The following is one such example of the latter. Now GET to READING those top threads!

I've said it before, Tom Leykis has said it before, and many others around Reddit have said it before time and time again. DO NOT DATE WOMEN WITH MENTAL ISSUES.

I cannot tell you how many times I've seen guys get roped into relationships with women who are bi-polar, NPD, or BPD and the hell that followed. I'm guilty of this as well, so I'm speaking from experience.

Often times they'll rope you in while in a manic phase and everything is all good, perhaps even better than you've ever experienced before, but like they say "if something is too good to be true..." You guys have got to learn about Early Frame Announcements (EFA) (skip to ~4:00) and what they are in terms of mental illness red flags. I'm not an expert on all of them, but common examples are flying off the handle at little things, withdrawing sex for no apparent reason, chronic depression, and I'm sure there are mile long lists of this stuff a doctor could dig up. I'll leave it you to google the symptoms so you know what to look for since I'm sure I'm not doing this justice. My reason for posting this is so you guys can avoid the pitfalls of women like the ones I and friends have had to deal with in our lives. Just don't date them. The crazy isn't worth the sex or whatever it is they're trying to rope you in with.

And just to hammer home the point of why you shouldn't get into relationships with women with mental issues, mental illness qualifies for at-fault divorce! If you can legally divorce someone who's bi-polar, BPD, etc, what's that tell you about them being relationship material to begin with?

I want you to really think about all of this the next time you see red flags (EFA) you're not sure about when you're deciding if you should invest your time, money, and commitment.

h/t to /u/veege2007 bringing up the following point about safely exiting a relationship with crazy...


For guys who realize they're dating or married to crazy, how do you extradite yourself from the situation without all hell breaking loose? I've found going full beta is the safest method of all for getting out unscathed. At worst you'll have to swallow your pride and go without sex for a while when her pussy clamps shut, but in the long run you'll be much better off.

Why this is better is because going "full beta" makes her initiate the resolution phase as described in the videos above and it's much less severe than should you be the one rejecting her. The consequences of letting her do the rejection is much milder than the reverse.

This doesn't mean you be the beta provider or give her validation though. What I'm talking about is all of the negative beta traits such as being clingy, needy, and so on. (there are good beta traits that balance out good alpha traits -- read the Married Man Sex Life Primer for more info).

Anyway, it's THOSE negative beta traits you really want to go over the top with to initiate an low conflict break from a crazy chick.