Claim: "I should be dating hot women."

Underlying Claim: "I deserve the experiences associated with being a high-value male."

Reality for 80% of Men:

  • Overweight
  • Find basic life functions like making meals, taking out the trash, and exercising to be very difficult (may ignore these altogether)
  • Provide no value

If you're in this situation, realize that your thoughts and actions aren't aligned.

When you say: "I deserve hot women," you're implying you're kind of a baller. Not a celebrity or any thing, but a top 20% guy who provides value to those around him.

When you then order Chinese and play eight hours of Xbox every night, your brain becomes confused. It says subconsciously: "You claim you're a Player, and yet here you are eating crap and watching TV again. You little bitch."

It might seem like your weeknight routine has little to do with the Game you spit on the weekends, but nothing could be further from the truth.

If you can't meet your own needs, do you really think you'll be able to fulfill the hottest women in the city? You may lie to yourself to try and cover up the insecurity, but it will always be there.