Like you, I have sappy blue pill family and friends. All notice that I do things differently. None know its because I am unplugged and I dont spend any time or effort educating anyone on these matters. The proof is in the pudding and they can see all they need and most folks fight violently agaisnt any threats to their worldview anyhow so I leave em be.

That said, a very common unsolicited observation of my life from these folks is that I must be unfulfilled. I dont have a woman that I would do anything for. I dont pine for a woman to the point where it hurts if we are separated.

Its pure projection. They see I have abundance with women, cash, buddies, and hobbies. My kids are thriving by any measure. Career same. My wife forgives my indiscretions. Sound empty to you? Maybe, maybe not, doesnt matter, its my life. My mission is my mistress and I haven't been bored or restless in years.

Which brings me to my point:

You dont judge a relationship with a woman by how much you want to do for her. You judge a relationship with a woman by how much she does for you. Treating you well is the bogey.

You see, the default state of man, by instinct, is to care for women. They use that against you and they convince you its an obligation rather than a choice. Then women lose all respect as they despise weakness.

Fight fire with fire. Use women's default instinct of submission to a dominant man to achieve what can be your real goal in intersexual game:

Getting treated well by women

For the spergs:

Getting treated like a king>Treating her like a queen

3rd choice (looking at you MGTOW quitters) is not to play.

These are literally the only 3 outcomes.

Which do you prefer?