DISCLAIMER : In this post, I use the second person pronoun (“you”). This post should be read as a letter to myself, not as a pedantic injunction to my readers. I share with you this letter because I believe it addresses a fundamental question that has not been much touched upon. I hope, not to speak the absolute truth, but to spark a fruitful discussion. Also, this is my first post so the mods can read this as a homework assignment. I will be glad to take corrections.


Hatred is a manifestation of underlying fears. By earning your own respect, you rid yourself of these two weaknesses, and attain true self-love.


« Love yourself ». We hear that everywhere, don’t we ? Placated on the cover of women’s magazines between mascara reviews and sex tips, spouted by every bluepill cunt and his feminist responsibility-ducking friends, repeated by the dumb self-help moguls who don’t know shit about shit but still revel in their own stupidity and obliviousness.

We at TRP know that unconditional love is bullshit. First, because it doesn’t exist. Second because, even if it did, it would be dangerously useless. It encourages wrongdoing. And by wrongdoing I mean of course fucking around wasting away what precious time you have been granted on this earth : tugging at your shrivelled dick instead of getting laid, binge-watching YouTube instead of lifting, browsing reddit instead of practising your piano. Remember that joke about christianism ? « No use asking Jesus to get you a bike, better to steal one and ask for forgiveness later ». Fuck that. you’ll earn the shit you get.


The Hate that you are feeling is fuelled by Fear. Fear and Hate are but two sides of the same coin. Hate is the monstrous, deranged and deformed child of Fear. Your hate towards women, towards feminists and towards your old bluepill ways, is your biological self’s way of coping with a perceived threat. To your ego. To your power. To the person you are trying so hard to become. Simply put, your biological self has understood on a physical level that it could transmute Fear into Hate and acquire power. A LOT of power. That is why it is healthy to go through the anger phase. It is a moment when, with the help of your newborn Hate, you can forego your old, people-pleasing, woman-pedestaling self. Hate gives you that much power.

But you should not forget where Hate comes from. As a Man, your aim is to become fearless. Your fears – of approaching, of not being good in bed, of others’ judgement – must all be overcome. You must learn, not to never feel Fear (that is impossible), but rather to treat your Fear as merely an information coming from your biological self, an information which is accounted for in the decision process, of course, but an information, no more, no less. Not an action-stopping, gut-wrenching, overwhelming emotion.

Hate is coalesced, solidified fear. It is the result of a continued fear that has been too difficult to overcome. You should strive to eradicate your Hate, since it is but another manifestation of Fear.

Hate is not an emotion that a true TRP man should feel. Self-love is bollocks. But the answer cannot be conditional self-love. Because what do you feel when the conditions aren’t met ? Will you continuously oscillate between love and hate like a menstruating woman ?


This is why TRP is useful for self-loathing imbeciles like you. TRP teaches you, not to love yourself, but to respect yourself. It is a long path, but for emotionally-impaired spergs, admiration is a much more intuitive feeling than « love ». Become somebody that you admire.

This means discipline.

This means lifting.

This means silencing the hamster.

The road is long and twisty, steep and cold, but you keep on, because you have decided that you would earn your own respect. Every effort you put into yourself is a little ounce of power that is stored. Every step that you take on that path is a brick of respect added to your own monument.


Once you have power, these things that scared you, no longer do. Instead, they make you smile. Now, you can’t get enough of women and their own special way of being, you forgive the blue-haired cunts who now dream of being covered in your alpha cum (but they can only dream, can they), you remember fondly that time when you made out with - but didn’t fuck! - as many girls as possible at prom, because you were a self-conscious insecure virgin.


This shit no longer angers you. Your Fear has dissipated, and so has the Hate. Your Pill has been washed of its dark tones, it now shines all around you, a bright, glorious red – the same one women put on their beautiful lips. That red which symbolises passion and life. No time to dwell on futile debates, you are out there, playing like a child, laughing at the world that you hold in the palm of your hand. And maybe, just maybe, have you now achieved self-love.

Lessons learned

  • The hatred that I feel is a sign that I still have a long road ahead.

  • Respect for myself is earned, not given unconditionally.

  • Only by earning my own respect can I ever hope to attain true self-love, which is the key to the true IDGAF and uncrackable frame.

EDIT : Formatting