I was poking around as usual, when I came across this little gem: https://www.sortalexout.com/writing/feminism-life-hack

At first, I was expecting to read something pretty blase; however, as I read through it, it was chock full of red-pill information.

Not even kicking both alcohol and smoking can come close to the catharsis of moulting a crippling ideology.

But the thing that feminism doesn't account for is that it's better to be strong than safe. It's better to learn to navigate the world as it is than to throw your toys out of the pram until the entire system bends to your whim.

Babyproofing the world from nuisances like catcallers and manspreaders won't help you overcome life's unavoidable misery. Also, being preoccupied with the most trivial of grievances just makes women look infantile and kind of plays into the dreaded stereotypes about us, just sayin'. Taking responsibility is a hard thing to do. It's hard to face up to the fact that some of your problems are your own fault. I'm finding more and more that life is all about how you take in this information. Some choose to take ownership of their life, and responsibility for their faults and destiny. Some run for cover under the smothering blanket of "oppression" ideologies. And the most important fact of all is that even if it's true that you're under the boot of a constricting patriarchy, it's still the best strategy to take ownership of your life. It's the only mindset that allows you to change the things that you can influence - your own behaviour. Every self-help book worth its salt will tell you that the place to start is yourself. Want to get anywhere in life (outside a women's studies department)?

Take responsibility. Have initiative. Claw back your power from ideologues that want you pissed off and disempowered. Once you choose to put the power back into your own hands, the world is your oyster, because now, you'll find a way, not an excuse.

And this isn't simply about sex, it's about your time & your standards. You're something special, and you're the first one that has to believe it.

People who struggle with the lies that have been stuffed into them from day one could really learn from the self-mastery being touted by this smart young lady.

TRP is about self-mastery, making your own way through life and getting laid while you are at it. People value people who value themselves first and foremost. Taking responsibility for ourselves and not for others is one of the biggest and most difficult steps a person will ever take. Doing it every single day is harder still, and doing it without self-hatred, with discipline, and with magnanimity, is still more difficult.

People stumble into TRP hurt, bewildered, and alone. And the worst part is, they have no one to blame but themselves. It is the harshest lesson that life tries to teach us over and over and over again. That we are the masters of our own destinies. Work reaps rewards, and nothing stands in your way except for yourself and your own self-imposed limitations. Men and women may be different in many ways, but we are alike in that when we choose to take responsibility for ourselves, our actions, and our way of life, things get better.

Every blue-pilled man I have ever spoken to, loves to hear the story of self-empowerment, but they are unwilling to put in the time to do so. They bury their heads in the sand, wish for a handout and expect everything in the world to simply "work".

Bad news for them, they're going to have it rough. Challenge your indoctrination, it's the only way you'll truly be free.