It’s preached here all the time. LIFT. LIFT. LIFT some more.


As a guy who’s been incredibly active my entire life; working out is in my DNA. When I don’t do some sort of exercising I start to see some immediate effects: terrible mood, decreased focus, increased depression, diet suffers, sleep quality deteriorates, confidence drops, just to name a few.


This post is not for guys who know the benefits of working out/lifting. This post is for the men in here that are either procrastinating on starting or think they don’t need to start. So I’ll break it down as best as I can. This short list is just a few things I’ve come up with to help you see the benefits that lifting can bring to your life.


Physical (internal):



You will immediately feel better. Will you be sore? Of course you will, but that soreness will make you feel alive, it will remind you that you accomplished something and it will eventually pass.

You mood will improve, DRAMATICALLY: you will get a surge of testosterone as your body reacts to an increase in physical stress, this hormone is gold; it will boost your mood and your confidence.



Your improved mood will directly be felt by others. It may be a subtle change, but when you’re happier it makes other happier whether they recognize it or not.


Physical visual (externally): As you get in better shape a few things will begin to happen.



You will start to get bigger physically.



This communicates a few things.

You take care of yourself.

You are more capable of imposing your will on your environment. (the bigger the guy the higher the SMV)

You are pushing yourself (continual growth)



Your walk will change. When you lift correctly your posture will improve along with your energy level.



This communicates a few things.

You are confident in your physical abilities

You increase posture will signal that you have better energy levels (higher testosterone)


Physical (actions): The more you work out the more you will be willing to do physical things.



Engage in physical competition. When you have been working out, you start to have confidence in your abilities. This paired with an increase in testosterone will drive you to want to test your abilities with others to:

Push yourself physically (for the boost in testosterone)

Compete with others (to display your new abilities and to see where your SMV is on a physical level)



This communicates a few things:

Not afraid to compete (whether you win or lose isn’t the point, it’s that you had the courage to try it).

You are willing to participate in a physical group activity.



Help lift something heavy for someone.


This communicates a few things:

Energy to spare (abundance mentality)

Not afraid to engage in a task that's physically tough. (confidence/courage)


Physical (conversation): Your physical improvement will improve your conversations.



You will stand taller when speaking to other. You won't literally be taller but you will stand up straighter.



This communicates a few things:

You are not physically intimidated.

You a strong individual who can physically defend themselves or exert their will on their environment (physical confidence)



You energy level will be higher. The increase in testosterone will improve your mood and confidence in your conversations.



This communicates a few things:

You are more entertaining to talk to (no one likes to talk to a low energy person)

You have an abundance of energy.

You can maintain an higher output of energy for longer (you won’t quit and go home early)

You are healthier (more attractive)


What this displays to the different sexes:



You are more capable of helping the group.

You are confident in you physical abilities.

If they need help with a physical task, you can help.

You are a force to be reckoned with.

You are a strong ally and not a weak enemy (low SMV male)

You are immediately more respected.

You are more willing to engage in playful competition.



You take care of yourself. (displaying physically intelligence because you know it's important to take care of yourself)

You are more capable of keeping her safe.

You are not afraid to engage in physical activities.

You have an abundance of energy (Better at fucking her brains out)

You are less likely to shy away from competition. (direct test of physical SMV)

You have higher energy (you can get more shit done before you get tired)

You are in a better mood. (low depression)

You handle physical adversity well

You will GIVE HER A STRONG BABY (she wants those good genes)


So get off your ass and go lift. Stop thinking about how hard it will be and start looking at the benifits. It will drastically improve your life, it the reason we preach it here.