A few weeks ago I made a post on checking her phone (I originally linked it but auto mod didn’t allow it, check my post history if interested)

During the thread there was a request for me to do a post on the subject of training plates.

I initially wrote that post and wasn’t happy with it for several reasons;

  • I wanted to do more research with my girls and see to what extent my methods worked, there’s no point putting out a definitive post unless it is definitive
  • It still isn’t concise enough for the average normie to read
  • The vibe was wrong and the wording needs to be very precise, due to the sensitive nature of the subject I don’t want to be misinterpreted, there’s a fine line between BDSM and abuse

This post is still coming so stay tuned.

It is in the process of this research however that I was hit with another problem, today a friend of mine overdosed.

My reaction to this has been simple, I’ve curled up alone in bed all day and had a miniature break down, yesterday I was a man, today I am a boy and tomorrow I will be a man again.

Whenever we are at our weakest it is a natural instinct to reach out and seek comfort elsewhere, unfortunately this is a luxury as a male that you cannot afford.

I could have and wanted to reach out to my “plates” for some comfort, someone to hold me, cuddle me and tell me everything was going to be alright.

If I had shown this weakness no matter the reason that would be it, weakness is not attractive, the relationships would all fail, maybe not today maybe not tomorrow but in the next few months they would all swing.

Once the toothpaste is out of the tube you can’t put it back in, if you show any weakness there is no going back it is a permanent stain on your image for years to come.

There is no shame in weakness, every man will have his days when he isn’t strong enough to go on and maintain this illusion, the most important thing is that you do this in private and preserve your perceived frame.

No one cares about the struggle, it’s all about the finished product.