The weekend of the 2018 Women’s March seemed as appropriate a time as any to address the contemporary victimhood culture of the West. Keep in mind that I’m writing this from the U.S., and much of this is a result of some festered ideology being released en masse by the election of President Trump. This may apply to those in the U.K. or elsewhere in the West as well, though I’m really not familiar with the cultural climate outside of my own. Strap in, this is a long one.


Let’s begin with a loose definition of a victim, so we’re all on the same page. A victim is anyone who can, and chooses to, make the claim that they don’t have what they want as a result of a discriminatory society. This is mostly a conception of the left. But more importantly, victimhood is a mindset adopted by those with qualifying characteristics (which I’ll get to momentarily) who, rather than work hard, consider all facts, or accept responsibility for their current situation, make noise and cause a fuss to get what they want.


There are 3 main classes of victim

In order of highest to lowest status, they are:

• Gender, Race, and Sexual Orientation

And within each class, there exists a hierarchy.


  1. Gender fluid/Trans
  2. Female
  3. Male


  1. Black
  2. Anyone from a “shithole” country (if you’re unfamiliar with this, get out from the rock under which you’re living and google “Trump shithole”)
  3. Mexican (if you’re a member of the left)
  4. Middle Eastern (another recent group, mostly after the travel ban was enacted)

Sexual Orientation

  1. Trans (which is neither gay nor straight in my opinion)
  2. Gay
  3. Straight

As long as you are not a straight white man you have at least one victim token you can collect. However, members of low victim-status groups can put each other down by virtue of virtue signaling, empathizing with high victim-status groups. This is where you see members of the left calling members of the right racist, or white female god awful blog writers call men transphobic for not dating someone else with a penis.


Now we move onto an important question... What is it that victims want? Do they want to be heard? We can hear you. Do they want equal rights? Please, I would actually like to know, what rights don’t you have that I, a straight white man, do?

So what really is the problem here? The problem is that victims are never satisfied. They make noise to get what they want, and then what they want isn’t enough, so they make more noise. What’s that? You’d like an example? I thought you’d never ask.

Trans persons thought everything would be ok if only people would refer to them by the correct pronouns. That’s what’s going to make all of this ok, they said. Nope. Now, you have to prove their womanhood by associating with them sexually. “I’m a woman, come and get it boys.” Feminists were causing a big ol’ fuss when we elected a “misogynist” president, instead of their empowered empress. Misogynist president voted into office by a racist, misogynist people, they said. “Uh oh, a year later and my status as a victim is dropping. Quick, I’d better submit my #metoo to raise my victimhood status again!” (side note: I’m very much for the movement of sexual harassment and abuse being taken seriously. However, we all know this isn’t how the #metoo movement works.) In many cases, victims don’t even know what they want. Bonus link to further illustrate my point.


At this point you’re probably saying to yourself wow, TheProphet speaks TheTruth^tm (or you’re thinking wow, what an insensitive asshole. You’re welcome to your opinion.). Well Mr. Has-All-The-Answers, what is it that victims really want? They want validation through attention, largely sourced through the media. They want success handed to them, and then they want people to recognize the hardships through which they had to go to attain that success. They want people to recognize the hours and hours of sign-making and voice-raising that went into convincing society that they deserve equaler rights than everyone else.

Enough of that stupid bullshit. History’s real “victims” (who are not victims at all, as victimhood is self-ascribed) would be absolutely disgusted at the way today’s victims are behaving. Demanding unrealistic, and in some cases unfair, treatment through shouting matches and bullying. MLK Jr., Susan B. Anthony and others didn’t achieve the goals of their groups through ANTIFA-esque violence, or jeopardizing public safety in the styles of BLM. The above had it far rougher than you, and they didn’t claim victimhood. Neither should you, Eric-turned-Ashley, just because your own short-sightedness prevented you from thinking all the way through such a major decision.


Don’t worry, I’m wrapping up now. But I’d like to make obvious what I’m hoping you’ll take away from this. If all you do is yell to get what you want, you’ll never be satisfied. You’ll just want more and more, and yell louder and louder, and eventually, people are going to get tired of your shit (and you’re going to become even more of a fucking brat in the process). Continuous yelling to get what you want is only going to bring about diminishing returns. However, working to get what you want will make your success that much sweeter. It will develop in you the tools to bring about increasing returns of success.

And you’ll end up with a much more professional look, as you’ll have never jumped on the blue-hair bandwagon.