Background: Married 9 years, together 11. Husband's mother and I have extremely differing world views, and she has been extremely judgmental and passive-aggressive towards me. She blames me for him not being Catholic like her, for example. He stood by me, but it wasn't easy being in the middle and I admit, I didn't make it easy in the beginning. Luckily, we lived across the country from her.

Since then, I've made a huge effort to get along and he's made the effort to defend me when necessary. But also since then, we moved and are now only an hour or so away from her. I genuinely want to encourage their own relationship, but I can see he's resentful of how she's treated me in the past and keeping her at a distance. And admittedly, things are better partly because I've gotten better at establishing boundaries with her. How do I encourage that relationship but also keep boundaries with her for myself?