I have been a lurker here for a while, reading stories and wrapping my head around the reality of what I was in...my red pill occured in full force when I had to sell one of my few possesions to pay for a trip for my wife and kids to another city.

For the past 13 years and since I was a wee lad I have been a white knight / blue pill. I was raised at the step of the pedestal and was conditioned and programmed that way.

My wife was and is a VERY strong women and snagged me at one of the lowest parts of my life, and for the past 15 years she has bullied, coerced and belittled me into a man that I now look at and despise.

I know that this is my fault. I did not stand up to her...and I should have.

This past week I did what everyone has considered to be a shitty thing by leaving her in a text message ( dear john as it were) while she was out of town..

I understand how it can be viewed that way, but I felt I had to do it as I do not have the strength to face her and do it without falling into the same role as always and continuing down the road of hating myself.

I guess I have no questions as of yet, but I need to know that it can get easier.

Right now I am sitting in my car, scared, alone with nothing and no where to turn....no friends and with seemingly no hope of doing this without destroying myself and my relationship with my kids.

In less than an hour she will be home with my kids and I have to tell them why daddy is not living in the house anymore.

She terrifies me in the control she has over me.

I think what I need is someone, anyone to tell me it will be alright...hence TRP

sorry for wall of text

Tld: walked out after 15 year relationship, two kids, nothing for me to go to or turn to.

Wife is and has been in control and dominant for all that time has told me she will not change. Sick and disgusted of who I have become.