We are in university and we met last semester in one of my classes. We were randomly paired up in the same group. We’re taking another class together this semester and I been contemplating telling her how I feel about her but i don’t think it’s worth it. She has a man of 3 years. She never mentions him to me ever. She indirectly told me and another friend of her boyfriend last semester and I have not heard the word boyfriend from her mouth since.

This isn’t worth it but I never man’d up in any situations I ever encountered in my life. I always take a passive route which ultimately never ends up in my favor. I wanna do this for myself really. Getting a good reaction from her would be a bonus. Even a negative reaction would be successful. There’s about a month left in the semester so idk if I should do it towards the end in case it ends up weird and awakard af or tell her now because I am a man. And I take what I want? Lol