Quick question I would appreciate a second opinion on:

Twice (maybe three times) my LTR of one year has made a comment like "Are you sure I can’t convince you to let me get a sugar daddy so I can book us luxurious trips", this is always precluded by stress about money. She will elaborate "I would just want to find someone who likes giving young people money, nothing else". (edit) To clarify, this is not a serious idea, or testing the waters. It is the venting of a frustrated broke university student.

Obviously this idea is unacceptable. When she brings it up I stonewall pretty hard and she will backtrack and spill a bit of spaghetti.

My question is, do I lay down the law and say I never want to hear about it again, or just be non-reactive if it ever re-surfaces?

Being non-reactive is prime DGAF-mode, which is a core tenent. However, I also see a leadership value in telling her what I expect from her (or maybe I'm just hampstering because I want to tell her off).

Inb4 "AWALT" "It's just your turn". I know this, I'm currently looking to maximize the enjoyment of my turn.