After a long personal journey I've come to accept the fact that women cannot feel romantic love. Specifically, the love we were taught to believe existed as children.

Love is unconditional accept for EXTREME circumstances like marital rape or SERIOUS neglect or abuse.

Love is eternal, again, barring EXTREME circumstances.

We know women don't feel this. Most marriages fail because of "financial" reasons or because one spouse smokes and the other doesn't. Women overwhelmingly are the inititators for divorce. The reason LEAST given for divorce is abuse. Which is expected in a world where women generally don't/can't feel romantic love.

The consequence of accepting this truth is that I've started to be put off by women romantically. Especially as I've grown more successful and more confident I've notice more female attention but my desire to pursue them is at an all time low. Almost non existent. I know that they are only interested in me because of these extreme superficial traits that say nothing about how decent of a person I am.

To me, women's affection feels like prostitution. I find myself a bit repulsed by them now despite getting more attention than ever. Only on a romantic level. I have no problem being friendly and interacting with them on a daily basis. I'm pretty outgoing. Just strictly talking about the idea of pursing them romantically or reciprocating romantic advances from them.

How do you open yourself up to a person that you know will stop liking you when your "frame" falters? If I grow close to a women and grow "feelings" but come on hard times she won't be there to support me long term. If I lose my job she'll leave, if I become emotionally vulnerable long term, she'll leave. If I do any host of things which, again, has nothing to do with my personality or how good I am as a person, she'll leave or at minimum, "fall out of love."

How do you love a creature which cannot love you back? How do you open yourself up to them?

I want to, I want to feel intimacy far more than I want casual, meaningly sex. How can I do that when I know that I'll only have her affection as long as I "hold frame?" How is that not glorified prostitution? The prostitute is only interested as long as I have money. The women is only interested as long as I have "frame."

Am I the only one put off by this dynamic?

I guess I'll ask this. Can you have true intimacy with a prostitute or escort when you know she's only there because of superficial reasons?