I'm pretty athletic (6:47 mile), enjoy sports, and lift/work out a lot. But I've never played a sport seriously, which I realize now is a mistake.

My school is very competitive in all of its sports (football, soccer, basketball, baseball, volleyball), so it's pretty hard to get onto a team without having played since you were a kid. I tried out for football and basketball anyway, didn't make it.

I'd like to play a sport, though. I have 4 criteria:

  • I have to be able to get good and compete starting at this age. Whatever sport I want to play, I want to dominate. So definitely a sport most people start older on. I know any sport is hard to be good at, but I'd like a fighting chance.

  • Has to be something college recruit for, cause I gotta think of the future.

  • It would be nice if I could meet new people my age playing it

  • Cool factor. I'd like something kids think is cool or at least don't care about, rather than something people actively make fun of.

Any suggestions?