COMES FOR A MOVIE AT MY PLACE (people seem to only reed the title)

  • I'm 20 years old, she is almost 18 and looks 9/10.
  • First 3 dates were great, yet she gives me the cheek when I try to kiss at end of date.
  • Has no problem at all with me touching hair, hands, back etc. And I do it quite a lot.
  • Stood up on 4th date (overslept and apologized), agreed to make it up to me and come for a movie at my place tomorrow (As I see it - for her, a movie is just a movie...).

What is really happening here? I feel like she is "shy" and "conservative", yet I know this mindset of mine is very fucked up. So 2 questions : 1. How should I behave tomorrow? 2. What to do if she again gives the cheek again? Is it possible that she just takes things slowly?