Back story: Was with my girlfriend for over 4 years. Typical relationship shit. Ups and downs, but typically a healthy and happy relationship. Long story short, she "needed to find herself again because she was trying too hard to keep me happy and not herself" yada yada bullshit. We see each other for a few weeks after and then cut all contact.

In that time I got back in the gym, found and have maintained a couple plates, stepped my game up and so on and so forth after reading through TRP.

I receive this text about a week ago: "i’ve been thinking about you recently, us recently. i’m sorry we ended the way we did, i’m sorry i hurt you, i’m sorry i made you doubt yourself or what our relationship was. we had really great times and pretty bad times over the last four years, but i don’t regret any of it. i really started to lose myself in it all.. i felt so consumed by who i thought i needed to be or by who i thought i should be for you and our relationship and all the damage that has been done to the both of us just felt like a ship wreck and we were drowning no matter how fast we scooped the water out. i worried about my insecurities and jealousy. i lost sight of the things that mattered, like happiness and real feel it in your gut love. i’m not sorry we ended, i’ve found parts of myself the last two months that i’ve lost the past four years, and i look forward to rediscovering so much more about myself.. but i know what i did and how i did it was wrong, i apologize to you for that. you have your flaws like anyone else but you are a good person, and i’m sorry for making you feel otherwise."

She followed up with 2 more texts pretty much being pissed I didn't answer but I've been debating answering or not. No doubt about it I still love this girl so I guess thats my struggle in it all.

What's your advice?

EDIT: Thanks fellas. Didn't respond and went on my way. You were all right. She's a total hoe and I don't need to give her the time of day. Fuck that bitch.