long-lostfriend Red Pill Example

Getting ready to black-knight a high school girl (self.theredpill)

bostonburrito Fitness

To those nervous about going to a gym: once you step foot in the door, nobody gives a fuck about you. (self.theredpill)

rattpack233 Blue Pill Example

Millionaire releases surveillance video of his ex-fiancee 'beating herself up' after she claimed he attacked her (self.theredpill)

mallardcove Meta

How to really succeed at Tinder (not just another Tinder guide, this is a detailed Tinder roadmap) (self.theredpill)

[deleted] Blue Pill Example

This is ridiculously sad. A father tells his kids about their mother cheating on him and she threatens to kill him. In the eyes of two legal advice subreddits, he is an evil, manipulative jerk. (self.theredpill)

Metalgear222 Red Pill Theory

The main lessons I've learned after 3 years of implementing TRP (self.theredpill)

bsutansalt Uncategorized

A Simple Reminder #2 (i.imgur.com)

c-novo Uncategorized

Your time is your greatest asset. Be selective about how you spend it. (self.theredpill)

Rudy_J_Peebs Off Topic

My buddy's newfound success caused his (now ex) girlfriend to lose her mind. (self.theredpill)

[deleted] Red Pill Example

How To Talk To Everyone You See. (self.theredpill)

carrotplanter Red Pill Example

Twitch streamer goes missing during a convention, but I bet you knew exactly where she was. Unfortunately, her own BF/husband can't say the same. (self.theredpill)

Heathcliff-- Rant / Vent

Now I am become Chad, the destroyer of pussy. (self.theredpill)

throwawaydegar Field Report

Bullet Points (self.theredpill)

musicvita25 Rant / Vent

Some of My Personal Life Lessons For Those Under 30 (self.theredpill)

Joeycrackem Building Power

Life is too short to be a chump. The 80/20 rule isn't a theory, it is law. Not every action yields an equal result. The key to personal success is finding the 20% of things that give you 80% of your results and to double down on those motherfuckers. Here is a guide. (self.theredpill)

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